Blogging can be used for commercial purpose and it is a great tool that is used in SEO marketing strategies. With various search options availability the overall performance of the blog can be improved. If you find your blog to be not productive, these steps can help to solve the problem.

Select a theme for the blog

Select a theme for the blog

This is very important while blogging. Select a theme that is unique and it is preferable not to select the theme that has been already published. Based on understanding the reader’s interest one can select the topics. Theme should be original and need to be presented in a professional way. If you have lots of money to invest, a graphic designer can be hired who can bring personality to the blog. Wooltheme is an option for people who do not want to invest too much and want it to be professional. It is advisable to avoid wordpress templates.

Use Quality content

It is always important to maintain the quality of the content. It is important to use keyword related to the content of the website. Adequate keyword research is important. Including keywords in title and headline boost the search engine optimisation. It is suggested to use keywords in the first paragraph and last paragraph

Create backlinks

Create backlinks to the blog through websites related to the content of the blog. More the backlinks more will be the page ranking. So various strategies has to be used to increase backlinks.

Make use of RSS feeds

RSS feed helps in making the customers follow the site. Most of these themes have RSS feeds button and in case if it is absent you can download your image and can be included in the site. Feedbutton can be used with buttons that contain subscription of the online have feed readers.

Use blog posts in social media network

You can syndicate the blog posts in social media networks like Facebook and myspace. This helps in creating backlinks through these sites. It is a way to reach larger audience. If the content of the blog is of great importance this helps in creating large readers into the blog.

Update the blog

Simply opening up a blog is not enough. You have to make frequent updates in the blog. If not updated the readers may lose interest in the blog. If the blog is updated daily then the blog will have more visitors. While making updates make sure that the content is of high interest. Ideally updates should be made three times a week.

 Make URL structure interesting

URL structure of the website is very important. Google pays attention to the keyword used in the URL structure. So it is important to include the keyword in the URL. If the internet user is searching for something and if that happens to be in the URL the website gains points. If the post title can be included in the URL structure it helps in making the blog more visible.

All these steps help in improving the blog and also increase the rank in the search engine optimization.

This is Rohan, I'm a Digital marketing Expert, Full time Content Writer and founder of I can help people across the world through my articles. I am sharing the latest stories from companies like Apple, Samsung, Google, and Amazon.