Creative jobs are considered one of the most challenging jobs in the market. They have no user manual, no fixed timing, and lack the glam and buzz that other works receive.

But in the last decade, the use of technology has helped create better work for these professionals. Everything from creating, distribution, and promotion has become effortless and straightforward.

Our phone, emails, work tools; anything that helps display a hint of creativity today is dependent on technological development.

Here are eight ways in which the book of technology has helped those in the creative world:

Research Your Work

A lot of creative work is building resources and bringing your research points into a single place. Sometimes, this research could be the basis of your work, like in the case of a script. In other situations, it can be an inspiration.

Websites, forums and social media have made information highly accessible. This quality of technology saves a large amount of time for creatives. Gone are the days when you needed to visit libraries or shuffle from one encyclopedia to the other.

Inspirations are significant for any creative field, and seeing the work of other creators or reading more about your subject can help provide this push. In certain circumstances, this research can also discover pre-existing work and avoid overlap of creations.

These benefits are why research using online tools is becoming the number-one step to any creative process.

Tools For the Task

An artist is just as sharp as the tools in their toolbox. This determinant is valid even in the case of any creative profession today.

Most creatives’ work is dependent on technologically advanced tools. For example, a designer cannot create a poster without the application of a designing tool. Similarly, a film-writer cannot make a movie script without screenwriting software.

These digital tools have made it easier for creatives to provide better quality work in faster timelines and churn-out more content into the world.

Taking Notes

Creative ideas do not sprout in the brain on a schedule. They flow in the form of ideas now and then. Creative professionals often have light-bulb moments but fail to recollect them at the time of their need.

This divide is the reason why taking notes is such an essential parameter in a creative life. Having a simple notes-application on your phone allows the artist to save these ideas and brainwaves them into this notepad.

It helps the creator keep a complete record of every new thought or proposal, and they remain there forever. This practice also makes carrying a paper and pen highly redundant in today’s day of technology.

Broaden Your Horizon

The one way to grow in any field is by continually learning and staying up-to-date with each new trend that arrives in the market. The internet and the rise of many education applications have made it easy for anyone to learn more.

Learning online is more affordable and highly accessible to anyone. When payments come for your skills and the source of graduation, these online courses are a massive game-changer.

For example, if you wish to kickstart a career as a film writer, you can effortlessly search online for a Screenplay Template and learn all the basics in a few hours.

Many creatives also use a website like Google and Youtube as a go-to source for troubleshooting. When a technical hiccup shall stall work, these resources can provide a better understanding of the problem.

Interact with the Community

Networking is just as important as honing your skills, and technology has made this very convenient too. With the click of a few buttons, chat apps and social media can connect any creative with millions of others in their profession.

Many online communities help a group of professionals get together and share information. For example, a Facebook group filled with freelance screenwriters makes it easy to post opportunities or share news.

This network is also elementary in finding new work for creativity in many fields. It allows the creator a platform to showcase their skills online and drive more substantial business to them.

Take Break

Creative work is definitely a time-consuming process, but it will only get more enjoyable when done in short bursts. The mind needs a break from work to regroup and rejuvenate its juices. Technology is an excellent way to give yourself a break.

Video-games, movies, podcasts, music applications; all of these are obvious ways to distract yourself. The creative mind needs some activities to heal. Using sophisticated guided meditation and fitness apps is an attractive choice.


To-do lists and calendar applications have become assistants to our lifestyles. Today, we can use our phones to set simple reminders like “pick up dry-cleaning,” and they work more effectively than any human memory.

Planning and organizing work has become extremely simple with the advancement of technology. This order is real, even in the case of CRM or customer resource management apps. Some tools help track work-progress and give updates in real-time.

Similarly, after the pandemic of 2020, more people have been locked into their homes, and working remotely would not have been possible without chat-apps and office-management tools.

Turn Off The Unwanted

The same technology that provides you with all the benefits we spoke about can also become a substantial cause of distractions. With the boom of social media and web-streaming, this generation’s average attention span has drastically reduced.

Some applications help reduce the exposure to technology to help aid better creative work. A few mobile applications can benefit you by adding locks to social media or other distracting websites.

Some tools also give you a limited amount of time-usage for each distracting website and then lock them for the day. Others can be turned on during the work time-period to reduce the number of distractions.


While technology has made it easy for people in the creative field, it is not a replacement for talent.

These tools and tips only act as a catalyst that provides better workflow and reduces the burdens of creative work.

This is Rohan, I'm a Digital marketing Expert, Full time Content Writer and founder of I can help people across the world through my articles. I am sharing the latest stories from companies like Apple, Samsung, Google, and Amazon.